Monday, September 16, 2013

my cooking jam

I'll never admit it verbally but this is my must-play-album-while-cooking. 
Berdansa di hujung gelisah, everytime I cook.

These days I've been reading to keep updated on ahmad dhani's son's recent kecelakaan. I don't understand most of the stuff written on this website but it's a nice change from the usual inane stuff you read in our local entertainment industry.

Here, you get comments like "Ila Damia tu x nak twerking kat Robin Thicke tu ke?" (re: MTV World Stage) or ustazah/ustaz wannabes preaching like they know everything. Sure, we are all quick to judge, we are quick to punish but even on decent news you get people/anons commenting negatively! Seriously you guys. Nevertheless, the comments are entertaining to read at times. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, including #wardinator who seems angry at the world most of the time. *roll eyes*

That aside, ahmad dhani, shame on you. I'm sorry, but your parenting skills are terrible.

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