Friday, April 24, 2020

Ramadan Mubarak

Selamat Berpuasa folks.

Yesterday I saw a friend posted a Ramadan Mubarak post and I'm like, did I miss a memo?
When did Ramadan is a Mubarak not a Kareem? Not that I know what both words mean hehe. Guess it irks me as much as seeing the word Ramadhan spelled into Ramadan because I'm so used to it. But as you can see, I am spelling it as Ramadan now. *shrugs*

As expected, MCO is extended. No big deal. Fasting at home is way better than fasting and having to go to work anyway. For the first time we get to do terawikh as a family of 4 and that means a lot to me. 

Now i just need to figure out what to cook for the next 30 days...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

instant gratification

Hey all cool cats and kittens. 

I've always believed in how charity is the greatest form of giving, and no matter how small you give, you will get back - either in abundance or in a form a good news. Last Friday my family in Gombak sent over some delicious food and oh my god i didn't expect it at all!

"Hati tergerak", my sister said. 

Earlier in the morning, i had donated a little to a much-loved nation's ustaz. I didn't think much of it, I just wanted an honest outlet to donate to. Not some big T20-can't-relate fundraisers *roll eyes*. Then boom, surprise food delivery. :)

Whether they are interrelated or not, it doesn't matter.  I miss family a whole bunch (they are scattered at the other side of the city) and I can't wait to see them again.

ok bye!