Saturday, September 14, 2013


Photo by Fairul Nizam.

I try to make it a point to come home with the boys on Friday no matter how tired I am. Although when we get home, the kids will dive straight into their toys and strew them around. Then we will probably watch a movie (if the movie has superheroes or zombies or pirates then I am safe) and by midnight I will probably bicker with the nocturnal boys because they. simply. refuse. to. sleep.

In the morning I'd wake up an hour (or two) earlier than my babies and I try to catch up on my books, youtubes (the amount of links my friends and I share on weekdays are phenomenal), fanfics, laundry and trying to clear up the mess in the house. But clearing up the toys will be futile because then Emre will scream JANGAN KEMAS! ^_^

So I must apologize in advance if my husband comes home from New York expecting changes because domestic life stood still without you, dear husband.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna make myself some toast (Massimo bread no less, so crucify me) and wake the boys up. 

Don't forget to watch NYCinta on ASTRO First! Roy worked so hard on this and suffice to say I fell in love with the script and this baby is finally out! Can't wait to watch it. Ghaz is amazing. I've been fangirling over his music videos for ages and now a collabo with Roy! It's just amazing. 

1 comment:

Amyz! said...

selfnote : must watch NYCinta.