Sunday, January 05, 2014

this school boy

Abang Rumi, falling asleep after school.

Missing him in pre-school (4 hours in total) is far worse than missing him the entire day while I'm at work. He's doing okay so far (I think). Eventually he'll stop looking out the window to look for us and hopefully the girls in his class will stop asking Teacher Angel why Rumi is queuing up with the boys. -_-

I start work tomorrow. "work is work is work" I tell myself. New responsibilities, new drama, new headaches and heartaches. 2014 will be the deciding factor if I want to stay or spread my wings elsewhere. Or stay at home altogether. We'll see.

I think from now on I should jot down one thing that I remember about arwah Mama, arwah Danial and arwah Baba. 
Right now I'm thinking about Mama's ikan bawal percik. She's not even a Kelantanese but Mama's ikan percik is the best. :/

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