Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Drugs in the mail

So semalam I received the Pil ASI in the mail. Ordered it from a badly-designed website, an online store that sells babymama stuff. I am at my wit's end here, trying to get my milk supply up again so I thought okay, let's try Pil ASI. See if it works.
So the pills arrived in a yellow envelope. Just the pills, takde sarung (like the one I saw online) nor instructions on how to take it. If you recieved unmarked pills in your envelope, would YOU eat it? HELL FREAKING NO (unless you're mat stone hee hee).
I'm sending them back and see if the seller is courteous enough to help me get a refund or resend a proper package because hell I (we all do) deserve a better service than this.
No, wait, that's too ambitious. I'll email the seller first. See what she has to say. Tak suka lah peniaga macam ni. -_-
(too bad Tiny Tapir tak jual pil ASI)

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