Tuesday, March 31, 2009

tidak mahu berkawan

Nate is Frankie
Originally uploaded by natinski
34 weeks. And still counting. I’m tired, I want 2 weeks of MC like other expecting mommies now. Over the weekend, I met some friends at Chawan (so-so place by the way, we all know we're paying for the ambiance, not the food). They were attending a reading organised by a long-time friend and I have not seen some of them since masa bujang! How time flies. Suf sudah beruban (kih kih), Ru pula sudah menjadi seorang yang unrecognizable with that scruffy hair (sarcasm still intact though), Azwan masih seperti dahulu walaupun signature hat-nya sudah tiada and ada budak Singapore gila sorang ni semakin vogue (tapi speed percakapan masih laju seperti bullet train). All is good anyway.

Kami dipersalahkan kerana tidak mahu menggunakan Fesbuk untuk berinteraksi. Banyak event2 yg kami ketinggalan & karya2 agung teman2 kini hanya boleh didapati secara eksklusif di Fesbuk. My friends even threatened to stop sending me their photos but will post them at fb instead so that I'll be forced to join fb.

Aergh taktik keji! Bleargh. But that's okay. I am a social hermit by choice these days (make that for the past 8 months).

p/s: Hamster kakak ipar aku sudah beranak (twins!). Debaran semakin memuncak.
p/ss: I think I need a haircut.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday morning guilty pleasure

Aku ada satu rahsia. Radio station I listen to on my way to work on Fridays is Suria FM sebab ada Kak Vee! She/he is febelez y'allz.

Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sometimes ppl can just be so gross. Let me tell you a story. Kisah benar, I don’t make stories up.

You know the food island at Cold Storage KLCC?
Ada jual potato salad, fries, fried chicken dan pelbagai juadah makanan lagi. So we wanted to buy the fried chicken. Nampak sedap. But masa tu ada wanita tua ni was standing in front of the fried chicken area sambil bercakap dengan kuat on the phone. Fine. Apa yang tak fine is that - At the same time, tau tak tangan dia buat apa? Tangan dia sedang kutih/cubit cebisan2 ayam goreng dan terus masuk mulut dia, macam makan popcorn. Selamba je dia makan! There were too many ppl around so if you walk past her, you wouldn’t notice her doing it.

Kami agak tergamam dengan situasi ini. We could have told the security and let the security drag her sorry ass (and dirty fingers) out of Cold Storage but man, we were just too stunned to do anything. Ada jugak orang macam ni!

Perhaps ini adalah tanda that the economy is really bad now? (tapi banyak jugak orang gi shopping like dapat bonus 10 bulan kan? Membeli hadiah hari jadi untuk diri sendiri seperti aku doesn’t count okay. La la la)

Friday, March 20, 2009

I’m doing a little homage for my late father on my Twitter today. Sudah 7 tahun dia meninggalkan kami. Kadang-kadang aku panik apabila aku lupa certain things about him. Dalam memori aku Baba akan kekal dalam uniform referee FAM warna hitamnya, sambil meniup wisel dan melayangkan kad merah. Setiap tahun berlalu, dia semakin jauh, dia tidak datang dalam mimpi aku lagi walaupun ada waktu jantung ini akan tersentap apabila terpandang lelaki yang iras-iras wajahnya. My father-in-law namanya BabaH, which is a good thing – sekurang-kurangnya ingatan aku pada my real Baba tidak lenyap (walaupun I must admit, apabila nama BabaH disebut, dunia ini terhenti seketika).

Jadi Ba, if I could layangkan sehelai nota ke syurga sekarang, I want you to know that I miss you terribly. I’m in good hands now. Roy is a good husband (he may not be a superhero like you tapi he’s doing his best!) and tak lama lagi I’m going to be a mother. I wish you could be there for me to tell me that everything will be alright. Thank you for this strength that I inherited from you and I hope all my doa to you diterima.


Monday, March 16, 2009

click to enlarge

Bersalah-nya rasa apabila gagal mengingati tarikh lahir arwah Baba.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nothing much to report. No wait, I want to gloat sekejap. My road tax dah siap! 2 weeks early kali ini (my road tax will expire on my birthday – 25th March). Selalunya few days before or after it expires baru akan dapat terima road tax. Sebab apa? Because I have to get my bank to do it for me (which is in Berangan or Banting or something don’t ask me why my bank is there) and the bank uses the lousiest courier service! Mesti my road tax tak sampai.

So I decided to try myeg.com.my this year. Ala yang ada iklan Maya Karin tu. It was so easy! Say like if semalam I renew the road tax, today sudah dapat. But of course you have to bayar your saman trafik first, renew insurance (which can also been done online) then head over the myeg then settle. Phew, lega. Hurray me dum dee dum.

I have another ante-natal class tomorrow. Lately I’ve been missing my Queen Mother (nenda di Kota Bharu) sana – I’m not sure why.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I survived my prenatal exercises class. Or to put it mildly a la my husband "Gila babi bapak penat" (ok he doesn't speak that way but uhm, yeah, those are some of his favorite terms - harap2 Little Yakuza won't turn into a swearbox mwahaha). Dengan kaki yang senantiasa bengkak, rasa macam mahu menangis apabila ada gerak exercise yang melibatkan kaki.

Alamak it's almost 11pm (jangan percaya time stamp di bawah). Esoklah kita sambung.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Seksanya nak bayar saman trafik.
Kali ke-3 singgah ke kaunter trafik baru dapat bayar saman:
1. Called balai polis TTDI to ask for the nearest place to pay saman - dia kata The Curve (polis kata it's only open from 10am to noon on weekends). Macam hampas, I went to there at 10:30am, turns out they are open from 2pm-8pm on weekends!
2. Went there again at 5pm. Abang polis pergi solat. *bangs head to the wall*
3. Terkejar-kejar kembali ke kaunter by 7:10pm. Takut abang polis pi solat lagi. He's there yay! Reluctantly parted with RM360.

Lepas ni aku janji aku tak park illegally / langgar lampu merah / obstruct traffic lagi!