Friday, March 13, 2009

Nothing much to report. No wait, I want to gloat sekejap. My road tax dah siap! 2 weeks early kali ini (my road tax will expire on my birthday – 25th March). Selalunya few days before or after it expires baru akan dapat terima road tax. Sebab apa? Because I have to get my bank to do it for me (which is in Berangan or Banting or something don’t ask me why my bank is there) and the bank uses the lousiest courier service! Mesti my road tax tak sampai.

So I decided to try this year. Ala yang ada iklan Maya Karin tu. It was so easy! Say like if semalam I renew the road tax, today sudah dapat. But of course you have to bayar your saman trafik first, renew insurance (which can also been done online) then head over the myeg then settle. Phew, lega. Hurray me dum dee dum.

I have another ante-natal class tomorrow. Lately I’ve been missing my Queen Mother (nenda di Kota Bharu) sana – I’m not sure why.

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