Monday, March 23, 2009

Sometimes ppl can just be so gross. Let me tell you a story. Kisah benar, I don’t make stories up.

You know the food island at Cold Storage KLCC?
Ada jual potato salad, fries, fried chicken dan pelbagai juadah makanan lagi. So we wanted to buy the fried chicken. Nampak sedap. But masa tu ada wanita tua ni was standing in front of the fried chicken area sambil bercakap dengan kuat on the phone. Fine. Apa yang tak fine is that - At the same time, tau tak tangan dia buat apa? Tangan dia sedang kutih/cubit cebisan2 ayam goreng dan terus masuk mulut dia, macam makan popcorn. Selamba je dia makan! There were too many ppl around so if you walk past her, you wouldn’t notice her doing it.

Kami agak tergamam dengan situasi ini. We could have told the security and let the security drag her sorry ass (and dirty fingers) out of Cold Storage but man, we were just too stunned to do anything. Ada jugak orang macam ni!

Perhaps ini adalah tanda that the economy is really bad now? (tapi banyak jugak orang gi shopping like dapat bonus 10 bulan kan? Membeli hadiah hari jadi untuk diri sendiri seperti aku doesn’t count okay. La la la)

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