Monday, April 30, 2007

Tiap kali jumpa Girl, kita discuss pasal banyak benda. the pattern is the same but never dull. kita discuss pasal our families,then kita discuss about my bad (ex & wannabe) boyfriends; our next holiday and then kita discuss pasal AHMAD DHANI. kita discuss pasal ahmad dhani macam dia tu sedara kita sendirilah. paling recent is "kalau Dewa berpecah, kita nak ikut sapa?" Ahmad Dhani and his trails of domestic problems or Andra Ramadhan and his awesome new band? hehe.

Hatta is leaving for Bali on wednesday. for 10 bloody days. woi! mana aci! Habis siapa nak teman aku tengok TV malam2? Anyway, i think i want to ask him to seludup Angga masuk so that he can be my slave kat rumah.

Dah bosan sangat la ni. 75% of the staff (i think so, my maths is bad) is on leave. so technically, my kerja pun tak jalan. But i managed to finish a speech within an hour. speech bahasa melayu! damn i'm getting at this. either that or my cut-and-paste skills are getting better. and i forgot to eat breakfast too! excellent progress (because nasi lemak is evil and pihak kerajaan harus memantau gelaja makan nasi lemak for breakfast ini). semalam cuba crash diet tapi by the time nak masuk petang, kepala aku sudah mula pening2. lagipun i only managed to get 2 hours of sleep the night before. so had to call Girl dan seperti biasalah, lepak di Suzy's Corner. Entah apsal kami suka sangat lepak di sini. But the lamb chop and roti john istimewa there mmg sedap. termasuk mashed potato layered with melting cheese. oh yum! there goes my diet.
i'm semi-miserable today. it will all end soon.

Been listening to Imran Ajmain. Best-best.

Sayang, yang sudah tu sudah,
Nangis tidak berlagu, lagi...
Sayang, yang sudah tu sudah,
Bunga tiada bermadu, lagi..

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