Sunday, October 16, 2005

Aku geram betul dengan Ibn.

Selalunya kalau dalam hal mempertahankan agama, kami biarkan Ibn je yang bercakap. Lagipun we assumed that he would know better, judging from his hujah-hujah tentang ‘my country, my freaking country’. Besides, it’s always refreshing to learn about other people’s culture and such.

So dalam debat hangat tentang Islam fundamentalists, Ibn tiba-tiba TERcakap:
...bla bla bla I don’t pray, I don’t fast bla bla bla...

Tersirap darah aku. Rupa-rupanya all these while dia dok preach tentang religion tentang cultural studies, he’s actually a non-practicing Muslim. Kak Wati with pleading eyes said “Immy, please say something”. What is there to say? Pengetahuan aku terlalu cetek untuk berkata apa-apa. If I choose to bergaduh dengan Ibn during lecture, tak ke orang lain akan rasa pelik. Especially the non-Muslims. Penat-penat the others dok explain the mechanism and beauty of Islam, Ibn had to screw everything by declaring that he doesn’t pray or fast. Apa ni.

Masa tu aku tengok Kak Wati dah nak naik angin. Dia Tanya Ibn “How can you say you’re a Muslim when you do not practice the pillars of Islam?”. Ibn pulak macam terkedu sekejap, trying to avoid the question he just said, it’s not part of my belief or some shit. Nampak sangat dia tahu yang he’s in super duper hot soup.

Kalau my glare sehebat Medusa, dah lama Ibn jadi batu. Too bad, kelas dah hampir tamat di saat aku baru nak belasah dia dalam kelas. In the end, aku tulis dalam buku Kak Wati:

Ibn is SO gonna burn in hell.

Maybe next week Ibn will explain what does being a Muslim means to him. No, on second thought, dia takpayah explain. We don’t care about him. He can go to hell yay!

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