Monday, June 08, 2015


I'm a big fan of loud music / live performance. Those who know me enough would understand that I love going for concerts. I may not enjoy the queueing up bit - queued for 4+ hours for Big Bang concert few years back - but once I'm inside the venue nothing else matters. It's just me and my music. 

Can't remember the last concert I went to so feeling that I needed to immerse myself in good music again I literally begged my friend to give me a ticket to Pentatonix. ;p Not that I know much about them but when you have a group that makes a living by singing acapella, it's got to be aca-mazing!

Aca-mazing indeed. Enjoyed their flawless harmonization and Suzie & I also enjoyed watching a bunch of mat sallehs with terrible dance moves in front of us.

And! Life would not be aca-perfect (oh god stop it Nate) without kpop! I've loved Park Jimin, eh I mean BTS since they debuted in 2013 and it would be not right if I gave this a miss. No, make that I WOULD BE VERY DEVASTATED.

Attended a wedding in Melaka in the morning (mind you I have never driven that far!), reached KL around 3, got ready, reached concert venue at 4 only to realised I GOT THE WRONG VENUE!!! Thank God the real venue was just 15 minutes away! Managed to get there on time and god, the concert was perfect. BTS is proof that you really don't need big budget concerts *cough Big Bang cough* to be the best, because BTS was flawless.
Absolutely flawless.

I'm a happy noona. :)
I think one of these days I'm gonna drag the husband to once of the kpop concerts, ya know, just to experience how awesome it can be. yeah. 
(if only they don't cost so much!)

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