Friday, May 01, 2015

I dream of Seoul

Oh Seoul. I don't even know where to start.
First of all, I'm glad that my friends and I made this trip. We bonded over the love of k-pop and having booked the tickets close to a year ago, this is all we ever talk about. Leading up to this trip there were too many problems at work - but time flew really fast - and before I knew it - I am in Seoul.

I was worried that I might hate Seoul - because I had so much expectations. Sure, I was told that Koreans are rude - as compared to Japanese. Or how the weather will be super cold, but I got over it. I LOVE SEOUL.

I love it so much that I don't want to write a travelogue because all of us are missing Seoul so much right now haha. But some notes:

We stayed at Dream Comfort a cozy homestay in Hongdae that belongs to an English-speaking Korean couple. The place is clean, and there is milk, eggs, bread etc for us to help ourselves with breakfast.

Thanks to Bibi who is familiar with things in Seoul, we had delicious Korean food! There is Lotteria too so yay for shrimp burger! On the other hand, churros is really popular in Korea so we snacked on that too. On certain nights, to save money we at maggi that we brought from home. Typical Malaysians.

Local attractions:
Everland is beautiful - went on a few rides of my life! We also visited Seoul Tower (too bad it was raining) and Hanbok Village. Decided to skip Nami Island this time around and best place ever? The Dongdaemun Design Plaza - my jaw literally droppped seeing this futuristic place!

I can't even... Seoulites are so stylish and I can see why. They are cheap, and even those sold by the roadside are of good quality! I spent quite a bit on stationeries, and EXO-endorsed Nature Republic & SPAO (the equivalent of Uniqlo). 

Haha this is my favorite part. We visited k-pop record labels and even Big Bang's concert venue! Bumping into Big Bang's lead guitarist and BtoB's member was a big bonus for us. Eventhough I'm sure each one of us secretly wished that we get a glimpse of EXO members instead. But that's okay, because we went to SMTown Coex Atrium, an exhibition of sort for SM Entertainment fans.

This was another reason why I wanted to visit Seoul. The coffee culture is amazing but by the 3rd day I had gastric attack and I only brought one sachet of Gaviscon! Gave up on asking pharmacies about the equivalent so resorted to chamomile tea and yogurt drink instead to ease my tummy. Sigh.

Definitely will go back. (I can imagine my husband rolling his eyes already)

1 comment:

Neri said...

nak ikut!