Saturday, May 16, 2015

Boat noodle

The non-conformist in me (barf) malas nak try things that people are currently going gu gu ga ga about. Boat Noodle can wait, so like the rest of other fads (I still have yet to find out how goreng pisang cheese taste like ok). The hype will eventually die down. 

Went to Boat Noodle at Publika on a Friday noon and it wasn't packed at all. The drinks are very nice, I mean the coconut drink is enough to convert a non-coconut lover into one! The noodles are nice too, but I'm a nasi person so true enough after having 2 bowls (2 jerrrrr?!) I was freaking hungry by 4pm. Typical.

I'm still thinking about their teh ais.

My colleague Rai, probably taking a photo of her drink to show to her bf, heh.
The tiny portion of fried chicken is pretty good. That, I'd be happy to order 10 bowls.


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