Sunday, January 25, 2015


Pre-bonus shopping is the most dangerous. With the bonus looming end-March, I've been browsing for things I want. But as usual, the wants and the needs are fine lines that can either empty your pocket or make you regret until the next bonus, probably. 

I want and need this vacuum-bot thing because I suck at vacuuming the manual way (fine, I hate vacuuming with a vengeance) and this would be great for the house. We can consider it as having a pet that cleans!

I don't know. Still weighing out the options. 

1 comment:

Amyz! said...

Pet that cleans. LOL!!!

I can't stop laughing now. LOL!!!!

Anyway, I've been aiming that vacuum almost a year now. Konon tunggu bonus. Tapi bila dapat bonus ke tempat lain pulak (macam kereta tu tau2 je nak rosak time bonus... Hurrr T___T)

Semoga berjaya mendapatkan pet itu. Haha. :-)