Tuesday, July 30, 2013

definitely maybe

Went to the gym this morning, probably the second session so far bulan puasa ni.
"How many murtabak you had yesterday?"
Ikh, sibuk je Master Pok ni. Belasah kang. Tunggu je time Muay Thai nanti!
That aside, I look forward to Raya to be over so that I can start working out again and I think my legs are strong enough to start running. We'll see how.
Speaking of Raya, would it be crazy if I fly back to Kota Bharu alone pagi Raya tu so that I can pray at Masjid Muhammadi just like old days? Then fly back to KL after solat Raya?
What? Crazy idea? I guess so. Besides, I don't think I can rent a car for just a couple of hours anyway.
The idea came up while I was discussing current kain telekung trends with my bestfriends. Did you know that there are colored and rainbow tie-dye infused kain telekung now? Merapu betul. As merapu as breathable nail polish that you can wear for solat. I may not be the best person when it comes to religion but I feel that if you want to get closer to God, you need to be clean and pure as possible. Just my two cents lah. Imagine wearing colored kain telekung in KB? Mampuih!
But I digress. Solat Raya in KL is a far cry from solat Raya in KB. In KB, we patiently wait for our king and queen to arrive before we can start praying (they're hardly late anyway) but in KL, Qinrara to be exact, we have to wait for people to finish paying their tithe before we can start praying! Madness apakah ini? But then again it was the first time (and probably the last) I prayed there. Maybe it doesn't happen every year. Maybe I'll go this year, hopefully I can leave the kids for a while.
Ah, so many maybe(s) in this entry.

1 comment:

Neri said...

i... bought the mustard color lyrca telekung. but yeah, probly won't wear it to the masjid. segan aihhh. pakai kat rumah je. very comfy. hehe.