Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I know I keep saying I'm gonna start reading again every single year but looks like this is the year after all! I guess these days I read books that I buy on impulse and I like reading brand new books. Pffth, I know, but hey at least it got me reading again! Then my friend, FA, said that she's gonna lend me 'some' books. Didn't know that 'some' books means 3 bags of books! So my reading supply is all set for the rest of the year.

How do you find time to read?

I don't. With 2 kids, you simply have to make the time. In between internet time, fighting zombies, doing laundry, wrestling with the boys etc. If you're hooked on a good read, you'll find yourself picking up that book whenever possible. Except when driving. Heh. At work, I tend to read when I'm sick of work (which is pretty often these days – pre-bonus mode) or during lunchtime. After or before my afternoon nap that is.

Be gone, internet! You are terrible.
I'm feeling kinda wretched today. Why are women so helpless at fighting our hormonal imbalances? 'Girl on Fire' was on radio this morning and I wanted to scream you're a liar Alicia Keys! You don't know anything about my suffering! I can't fly away from my catastrophe! You can't either! When we're PMS-ing it's a different kind of fire altogether!
Ok I'll shut up now. I'm gonna listen to some K music because B2ST is out with a killer song for Iris 2 and music from Primary and the Messengers heal everything. Well, almost.
Let's eat.


Neri said...

3 bags! so lucky.

Neri said...

3 bags! so lucky! did you finish room? was it... bearable?