Wednesday, March 20, 2013

hey children.

Am I the only mother who look back at my kids' old photos and laugh at them?


Found a photo of Rumi with a cat. Emre does the same now too! Hish. Except Emre goes to the extreme by pulling the cat's tail and dragging it into the elevator because he thinks the cat belong to us. *face palm*

That of course after he's done kissing and wrestling with the (now) traumatized cat. HELLO BUDAK KECIK YOU HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN!


But so far so good lah. I let them roll on the ground, jump puddles, hug animals or trees etc. So thankful that they hardly get sick anymore so everything is a-okay.


Okay few more hours to go before I head home to see the birthday boy!

Sent from my funky device. Touch the sky!

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