Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cutting down internet time

"Everyone lives life through a screen now," Zihan, Basement in City blog.
When the news about Google Reader shutting down came out, I was dumbstruck. How will I outlive my dull moments at the office without having a platform to read other peoples' rantings on my reader? Then I spent about 2 hours checking out alternatives - there's Feedly, Pulse, Flipboard etc that can serve as alternatives.
But two hours later, I thought, shouldn't this be a chance for me to be more productive at work? Less hours on the computer at home perhaps? Either way, this would be a good baby step for me to steer away from the www. True we are constantly connected because we fear that something might happen when we're not. My shy nephew smiled at a girl yesterday and tweeted about it OF COURSE I DON'T WANT TO MISS THAT. But hey, it's okay if I am not updated with what that Japanese photoblogger had for her breakfast, lunch or dinner. Maybe I'll miss a blogger's labor, or another blogger's #eatgaylove adventure around the world. But hey, IT"S OK. I can always catch up.
I may not be able to tune-off every Sunday like what Taza from is doing. Maybe not yet because I gotta admit, I need my Instagram and Twitter. Facebook, not so much, because people on FB are weird and emotional anyway (tsk). But I am trying.
Except, my little family is addicted to Plants vs. Zombies!!! But you know what they say, a family that plays together stick together. OK I made that up. But at least we are all in the living room, killing zombies. Modern-day quality time, what?
So be gone, Google Reader. I will miss you tremendously.