Monday, June 11, 2012

new leaf

June will be a busy month for me. No wait, it's already June! I normally rant about work being a bitch in December or November but this year it looks like June will be the reigning terror for me. Oh well. You gotta do what you have to do.
This morning I gave my sister a parenting advice. Wow me, all grown-up. But I think it was an advice to life in general. I've always been a firm believer for two things:
1. What you give you get back - I believe in the power of sadaqa (give it a try)
2. Think positive and only positive vibes will come to you
But thinking positive is a daunting task that only the right mindset can achieve. I may be positive half of the time, but most of the time I forget to think positive.. which makes me a loser quarter of the time. Heh.
Now that I have a new layout (thanks @liy) there's no excuse for me not updating this space anymore. WAE DON'T I SAY THIS ALL TEH TIME. Having a love-hate relationship with twitter right now. Remember how blogging used to be exclusive? Remember how writing is all about expressing/sharing your thoughts without a care in the world about who's reading it? Blogging imho is not just about telling the world about how awesome you are, it's about embracing your flaws and having the guts to deal with it. Yeah let's go back to that.
Let's go back to loving and healing (with self-censorship along the way).
 [photo using LX5 | shoes by korean designer Tiamo]

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