Wednesday, July 27, 2011


How do you guys do it? Come home after a long day at work then cook dinner. Perhaps do a little laundry and cleaning. Watch a bit of your favorite k-drama and spend time with your kids.
I did just that last night, but unfortunately it's not something that I wish I can do on a daily basis. I wish my eyelids didn't have to be so heavy by the time the clock hits 9pm.
My neighbor upstairs, a fierce Kelantanese lady (I should know, I always hear her screaming at her 3 kids and husband haha) wakes up at 430am (almost) on a daily basis, when she's not cooking at night that is. She is probably maidless too like me, but everytime I see her with her kids, I'd go "man, that's a superwoman over there". My sister has 5 kids, with or without a maid she is constantly on her toes, persis a captain commanding his ship. I can only salute her.
Me? Cooking and laundry are meant for weekends. But then again, most weekends we'll be out and in the end, I'd be backlogged with a mountain of clothes and a fridge of wasted veggies and poultries. I am definitely not a superwoman.
But I'd like to believe that I AM a supermom. *winks*
Ramadhan is almost here. I managed to get my tealady (no, actually I begged her) to sew my baju Raya. Thank God. Now need to think about the rest of the family's baju Raya (yay for having boys!) and make travel arrangements for a holiday in Kota Bharu. Sad to say since my Queen Mother, my dad and my beloved nephew passed away, Kota Bharu is now just a holiday destination. I refuse to deal with harta-sucking relatives and I only want to come home to my Kota Bharu which I love so much for its food and cemetery. Sad but true.
I think there is a special hell for me for that. Sigh.

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