Wednesday, September 30, 2009

domestik disaster

(not my house, but I would like a bird house in my house)


While I may not be a domestic goddess, I love my washing machine. The fact that I only get to see my washing machine over the weekend breaks my heart and washing your clothes using other people's machine is no fun.  Bunyi macam excuse taknak basuh baju ke? I hope not. But ah, the joy of putting the clothes in the machine, masukkan sabun pencuci/softener and listening to the machine sing (saya pakai LG) and let it air dry for half an hour – sudah cukup menenangkan fikiran saya. I love melipat baju too.


These days I find myself studying the Rasa magazine (curi kakak saya punya), making mental notes on what to try and what to ignore. But rasanya this Raya month dapur hanya berasap untuk masak air sahaja lah yes? Perhaps I should imitate Julie Powell, pick a culinary book, try each recipes and blog about it. Hmm not likely. I would like to feed my husband with my own 'air tangan' yes, and I shall achieve it one day! ;p


This pointless entry is brought to you by projek tergendala di office and a handful of antibiotics. Thank you.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My arwah father always taught me to fight the maladies on my own first. Kalau sakit, find a home remedy – then opt for whatever medicines available at home and if everything fails, baru visit the doctor. First it's the sore throat, then the flu, then the batuk. No temperature though, and thank God no one in the small family is infected. The kid and the bapak kid are both doing fine thank God!


The house is in a complete mess, didn't have the energy to clean-up or find the kid's kasut Raya Nike & Anpanman yang sampai ke sudah tidak dijumpai! My post-epidural brain is still cloudy, for the life of me I can't remember where they are. Pressure pressure.


I have a headache now.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back in KL

I think the best part of beraya di kampung adalah membiarkan anak tidak berbaju. Baru-lah rawk!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last meal last Ramadan

Ayam percik, ikan percik, perut ayam percik, kerabu perut ayam, solok lada, lala, hati goreng, daging masak kicap, sira pisang... Puas hati!

And sekarang KB sedang berdentam-dentum bunyi mercun sejak pukul 8 lagi. I'm waiting for R to come home with chicken chop Restoran Sun Too, a restaurant yang telah dikunjungi sejak kecil lagi. Rasa chicken chop-nya tetap sama sejak dulu.

This evening I introduced Rumi to Mek, si tukang gunting rambut Tionghua yang potong rambut aku sejak kecil lagi. Perhaps lepas ini dia akan potong rambut my kid pulak.

Speaking of kids, parents yang ajar their kids to cut queue di cashier are superbad parents. Shame on you. Padan muka anak korang kena marah dengan aku. I don't care if your kids are cute dengan mata terkebil-kebil tu but please teach them some manners. Thank you.

Selamat Hari Raya everyone.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Spotted on TV:

Sorry, grammar wasn't my best subject in school.

Translation: Maaf, NENEK bukan subjek terbaik saya di sekolah.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Menu for today!

Menu for today!
Originally uploaded by natinski
Man, that was one sinful-crazy buka puasa. Double lamb patty, tomato, double cheese, mushroom, telur mata, extra mayo, chili sauce, oregano & roti burger. Plus teh ais from mamak downstairs. And MILO kotak (dengan straw limited edition sensasi meletup!). Yum!

We're supposed to makan pizza Yellow Cab for supper but yes, are you kiddin' me?! I can barely open my eyes now. Mahu pengsan kekenyangan. :)

Satgi for sahur I wanna (attempt) buat nasi goreng planta. Wish me luck.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Syaitan ada di mana-mana time puasa ni jika tidak masakan rumah masih dirompak dan manusia tetap dibunuh. Tapi syaitan paling besar is syaitan yang tak berpuasa! At a photo shoot for our new ad this morning, wah selambanya adik-adik kita minum air dan merokok. Nasib baik model handsome saya berpuasa, jika tidak habis tunggang langgang set nanti. I am the client, I demand my model to be fasting! ;p


On the road last week, ketika sangkut di trafik jam, ada satu hamba Allah ni in the car next to me sedang merokok. Dalam kereta ada anaknya sekali yang berumur lebih 5 tahun. Look, it's bad enough that you tak puasa, but you tak puasa dan merokok depan anak you. Satu, you're being a bad example to your kid and second, you damn well know that bila you smoke depan anak you, that poor child is a second hand smoker dan perhaps dia akan mati dulu dari you! Sorrylah emo sikit. Tak boleh accept lah orang dewasa yang tak berpuasa ni.


I think every year mesti ada entry-slash-rant tentang orang tak berpuasa kan. :)


Have a good weekend. I am super exhausted this week.
Saya craving nak makan pasta di Avanti sekian terima kasih.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

4 bulan

Today we will take proper pictures of Rumi-oh (I still can't decide on what to call him). Our boy is 4 months old!  We are so blessed to have him in our little family.


I am super excited to go back to KB for Raya this year. Maybe because we'll get to introduce the little yakuza to my relatives, especially to my ailing Queen Mother (it's her 10th cicit I think) and my beloved godfather Uncle Isa (who still cries when he talks about his bestfriend, my arwah Baba). Mungkin tahun ni tak dapat sembahyang Raya sebab kena jaga baby but that's okay because I can still walk la dee da to the mosque with my kid and listen to the khutbah (and mengintai Tengku Mahkota oh-stop-it-Nate). 5 days in KB and I'm already listing down things to eat. Bukannya nak fikir pasal packing. Oh my, packing is gonna be chaotic. Our weekly trip back to our home pun sudah nampak macam mahu bercuti seminggu apatah lagi packing for 5 days!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

mari memasak dengan chef tawar

Despite my ketidak-kegemaran memasak, saya gagahkan jua mencuba eksperimentasi di dapur dengan resipi-resipi yang dicopy-paste dari Internet. Nota:

Ø       Lepas ni tak masak ayam masak merah dah! Asyik tak jadi je

Ø       I love memasak sotong

Ø       Anything with santan or daging masih belum berani di cuba

Ø       My begedil rocks!

Ø       My bitterballen nasi menjadi, walaupun tawar

Ø       I don't like to cook main course, anything on the side I like (re: begedil or goreng2 campak2)


Di sini I would like to share the resep bitterballen nasi:


2 ulas bawang putih - dicincang

2 sudu makan tepung gandum

150 ml air

½ kiub ayam

3/4 sudu teh garam

¼ sudu teh serbuk lada sulah

300 gm nasi putih (ala belasah je lah 4 senduk nasi)

25 gm lobak merah - dipotong dadu dan direbus

25 gm sayur buncis (5 batang) - direbus dan dihiris halus

30 gm keju parut

2 sudu makan marjerin untuk menumis

Minyak untuk menggoreng



1 biji telur

75 gm tepung goreng serbaguna



1. Tumis bawang putih sehingga naik bau (tumis with marjerin not oil please!). Masukkan tepung gandum. Aduk cepat sehingga berketul².

2. Masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikacau hingga licin.

3. Masukkan kiub ayam dan lada sulah. Kacau lagi.

4. Masukkan nasi, lobak merah, buncis dan keju. It will look like nasi goreng with extra kanji

5. Bentukkan bulat dan celupkan di dalam kocok telur & gulingkan di atas tepung goreng.. Lakukan sekali lagi.

6. Goreng sehingga kuning keemasan.

7. Makan! Cicah with sos cili jika dapat chef yang serba tawar macam saya. hehe


Sekian terima kasih. Weekend ni saya belum pasti nak cuba masak apa.