Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My current guilty pleasure.

Actually when i first started watching it (on TV2 every selasa & rabu), I didn’t know that it was adapted from a book. Ok fine, doesn’t mean anything to me because kalau buku itu sangat jiwang, then i wouldn’t even touch it with a 10-foot pole! Anyway, I started watching it sebab character-nya nama Bogatt. Bogatt?!? Isn’t that like Humprey Bogart? Ada ke nama orang Melayu macam tu (dalam dunia make-believe – hell yes). Besides, pelakon bagi watak Bogatt itu adalah my classmate masa kursus nikah. Huhu.

In a nutshell, plot-nya agak best. Terlalu panjang untuk diceritakan tapi ia lain dari yang lain (Yusof Haslam could learn a thing or two from this). Tapi dah halfway through ni, plot-nya agak mendatar pula. Missed a couple of episodes, and next thing i know Abang Bogatt is XXXX and his half-brother is xxxxxx [no spoilers hehe].

But of course, like any other mini series, bila dah halfway through, mulalah plotnya menjunam menjadi sesuatu yang agak membosankan. I try to watch it once in a while now tapi macam sudah tak best (sbb Abang Bogatt sudah XXXX!). Sigh.

The other day my sister was like, “Aik, since when did you start watching Malay series?”. Like hello,
kerap juga ok! OK fine, only if Aaron Aziz yang berlakon. Or Jehan Miskin. I like him a lot. Walaupun dia hanya baca buku Paolo Coelho. Aku cukup menyampah bila orang kata “I read Coelho” because honey, that does not make you the most philosophic person in the world! But that’s okay. At least dia baca buku.

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