Saturday, July 19, 2008

I know I'm supposed to write about the incident that happened masa kenduri kahwin but I already sold our story to a local newspaper today! Should be out in August. Ha! Ha!

So this week dah buat 2 newspaper interviews for 2 different topics. Can't wait to read them ie kisah diri sendiri di dada akhbar. Vain!

On another newsworthy news: Cita-cita untuk menjadi isteri modern yang tidak memasak terpaksa dikuburkan buat seketika. I actually cooked today (last time I cooked masa finals exam Kemahiran Hidup - that's like 14 years ago!). But berkat resipi Chef Wan, Ayam Goreng Masak Seri Wangi turned out delicious! :D To be honest, I can't say I'm too crazy about cooking (makan luar manyak shiok) but will try to cook at least once a week. Do understand that from my ignorant point of view, cooking is like being in a science lab - if I get the right ingredients and sukatan, maka menjadilah eksperimen aku. *evil laugh*

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