Tuesday, June 28, 2016


I just want to see if the whale icon can appear on my post ke tak.
<insert whale icon below>
#natehijabstruggles #3
Earphone nak selit tang mana? (hehe)
My husband and I hit the year 8 today. Alhamdulillah.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Mama's cooking

Reminiscing about Mama's cookings with my sibs today.

resep daging bistik

One of my favorite​ dish that Mama's used to make was bistik daging.
Found the recipe on mat gebu's blog and will try to make it sooner or later. Not sure if it's gonna taste the same though.
I park the recipe here first okay.

500 g daging batang pinang
400 g ubi kentang, dikiub 2 cm (kurang lebih 4 biji, boleh kurangkan kalau suka)
4 camca besar tepung gandum
4 camca besar margerine
3 camca besar minyak masak
1 camca teh lada hitam biji, ditumbuk halus
4 cm kulit kayu manis
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Kacang pis, untuk hiasan

200 ml air (mat lebih kan sikit)
120 ml sos tomato
2 camca besar cili kisar
1 camca besar tomato puree
1 kiub stok daging (optional)

1 biji bawang besar
6 biji bawang merah
3 ulas bawang putih

  1. Daging dipotong kiub, cuci bersih, toskan dan lap dengan paper towel hingga kering. Gaul daging tadi bersama tepung, lada hitam tumbuk dan garam. Perap 30 minit dalam peti sejuk.
  2. Dalam kuali, panaskan minyak + margerine hingga cair. Goreng daging tadi hingga perang. Angkat dan ketepikan. Dalam kuali yang sama, masukkan kayu manis dan bahan kisar, tumis hingga harum. Masukkan kentang dan kacau rata. Tuang air dan masak hingga kentang 1/2 empuk.
  3. Masukkan daging dan semua bahan2 kuah. Kacau rata dan tutup kuali dan masak dengan api perlahan hingga kentang empuk (tambah sedikit lagi air jika perlu). Perasakan dengan garam dan sedikit gula. Biar pekat, rasa dan jika ok boleh matikan api.
  4. Hidangkan dengan menabur kacang pis sebagai hiasan. Sedap dimakan bersama roti dan nasi...Selamat mencuba untuk semua!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Well this stupid app called bloguma pretty much screws up my posts so best option now is to update via email. Meh.

Friday, June 17, 2016

weekend is here

​Slow week. The closer you get to your last day of work (just before Raya) the slower the world evolves. But I still have 1001 of things to do though. At work, at home.
Weekend plans (because having a list is always awesome)

  1. Budget for Raya - and post-Raya too
  2. Raya card list (it's been a while - so if anyone want a card Raya from me don't be shy just send me your address okay). Last day to send out Raya cards is 29 June btw and pos malaysia has a special promo - 50 sen for sending card raya out this year).
  3. Kemas rumah - Kind of fallen behind when it comes to cleaning house :/
  4. Finding Dory (done, such a disappointment!)
  5. Masak 
Last night I cried after my eldest yelled at me. I keep forgetting that he is this angsty 17 year old trapped in a 7 year old body (god, this means there are more years to come hehe). Sigh. ;p

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


One of my favorite questions to ask people who ​decide to cover up is "when did you decide that it's the right time?".
Granted, you don't need an excuse to 'berhijab' like artis Malaya sorang tu yang kononnya started wearing one because her hair was thinning hehe. But it's always nice to know.
My CEO for example, started wearing one a fews days into Ramadhan last year. I think it was a few weeks after her birthday and she said "if you still don't change when you hit 40 then something must be wrong somewhere". The weekend before the change she went on a shopping spree hehe.
Another colleague on the other hand had always wanted to wear one since her father died a couple of years back. One day she just decided that this is the right time.
Me... I don't know. I can feel it coming though haha. Today after a meeting in town I went out to Jalan TAR with a collueage and borong many colors! The other day I felt like strangling someone at work. I don't know how the topic of me berhijab came out (probably because I just got back from tadarus class) and she blurted out something like "Nate you jangan buat I terkejut and suddenly pakai tudung. Tak fashionable and outdated lah". EXCUSE ME?!! Granted she is a non-Muslim but I have never encountered any non-Muslims who would think this way! What an ignorant douchebag. Dampened my spirit a bit.
Anyways, thank you for your kind wishes and support. Watch this space!  

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Rasa nak marah je today. Takpe2 probably the hormones acting up again. *checks calendar* Nope, not PMS-ing. Too many trigger points at work today. I'll feel better after my class in the afternoon later.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday morning

It's so nice to be able to sit at Kinokuniya and take my own sweet time browsing for books without having to worry the boys going MIA on me in the bookstore! We watched The Nice Guys today. Ryan Gosling's pretty funny. I still don't get the attraction with this guy but it was an enjoyable movie nonetheless.

I've been wearing hijab on-and-off these days. #natehijabstruggles is real, I can only pray that things will pan out sooner or later. #prayforNate