Sunday, June 16, 2013

Monday & the emancipation of master pok

I'm so exhausted today. Not like I did much anyway. Didn't go for yoga but I did attend a wedding sans the husband who participated in a treasure hunt (placed 28th out of 200 teams not bad at all for a first-timer) but the heat got to me I guess. 

And don't you just hate it when your overslept in the evening? I am still feeling a buzz in head up to now. 

Busy week ahead. One colleague is hospitalized so I'm back to juggling 2 portfolios. Barf. 

Final session with Master Pok tomorrow. As promised we will be doing Muay Thai. Can't wait! Let's kick some ass before I head to work! I'm glad I signed up with him. It's like a having a cool kid brother that you feel like smacking most of the time but you can't otherwise you'll get fat (eh?). I've added ten more sessions with him and will probably continue training under a personal trainer until I have the discipline to control my food intake (tsk) and lose at least 20 kg or something haha. Master Pok asked me if I'm expecting a promotion this year. I said probably not, but it doesn't matter as long as I 'get promoted in health'. Wax lyrical lah sangat kan. 

My right knee is still giving me problems whenever I run so until I can run properly, I'll just keep trying. 

Right, bedtime. Refusing to iron my work clothes right now because I'm a rebel without a clue like that. 

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