Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Great, just when was in the mood to update, blogger was pulak down. Boo.

Anyway, I have about a month or so to be with the kids full time before I start work on the 20th June. It’s been fun staying at home with the kids. Well, most of the time it’s fun. Bathe the kids, figure out what to eat, do laundry, watch tv, fold laundry, attempt to cook (once) aaaand at the same time watch over the abang who likes to bully the adik. Love works in mysterious ways, I tell my friend Chee, even if it involves tarik rambut adik / cucuk mata adik / squeeze kaki tangan adik / lepuk kepala adik, you know, that sort of brotherly love thing.

I’m watching Julie & Julia for the umpteenth time right now. Fast forward to Julie Powell sections only. She is me – we never finish anything. I have not touched my camera for weeks, my photobook project never took off, my cooking has gotten worse etc. etc. My rice was overcooked, my fried chicken terlebih kunyit, my egg masak tomato was too spicy. *sigh*

This is how my hair looks like these days – the epitome of servantless working mom. Eh, ini excuse sahaja, I’m not even working right now!

Have a good weekend. Saya nak makan red velvet cake.

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