Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's been a crazy 3 months and on the 20th I go back to work. Funny, last year I couldn't imagine myself having two kids, now I can't imagine NOT having two kids. Both boys are so different from one another and everyday I am experiencing new things. Rumi, the feral child; Emre, the giver of smiles. Motherhood has taught me to learn not to lose my cool easily, but it has also taught me to reciprocate -- the children comes first, while my needs can come later, or never. Not that it's a bad thing.

In a nutshell, motherhood is a Pyrrhic victory for me against many of my insecurities and flaws -- everyday I can only pray that my little family will continue to be blessed with so much love and happiness.

Now if only I could lose few more pounds...

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