Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mana ada sepi!

Anyway, having someone close to you lose her baby at a babysitter has made me extra paranoid about bringin up kids. It's not just about the issue of negligent babysitters, but also the weight of bringing a child into this world and ensuring that you don't have to see your child go before you do. A morbid topic of discussion, yes, it's something that every parents fear I suppose. Or should we just bertawakal and berserah pada ketentuan Allah sahaja? I could, but since I'm in confinement, I'm allowed to wallow myself in insecurities and fear for my children.

(wow, I said 'children'. 10 years ago mana ada terfikir to have kids.)

Anyway, I still have another 2 months to decide on what to do next once I start working again. Nak hantar ke daycare or not? Find a babysitter? Status quo? I will find my answers then.

In the meantime, I got some online shopping to do and sputter some merapu-ness on my twitter before kid Emre wakes up. It's kid Rumi's first day at the cinema with his dad today. Harap-harap dia behave.

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