Thursday, August 14, 2008

Last few weeks, I walked past a lady di pasaraya di Bangsar di mana tudungnya telah terkena tahi burung yang agak banyak. I didn’t have the heart to tell her, but mostly because I was super hungry and my pasta was waiting for me di D*Lish. I hoped and hoped that somebody would have the courtesy to tell her instead.

2 days back, seorang lelaki tua mengerang kesakitan di tepi jalan setelah dilanggar oleh seorang warga asing bermentaliti seperti warga Malaysia yang gemar memandu laju tanpa memikirkan keselematan pengguna2 jalanraya yang lain. I told (paksa) R to stop by the side of the road, just to check whether pakcik itu memerlukan bantuan yang serius. Sekali lagi scenario yang hampir sama, aku mahu mahu membantu lelaki itu tapi aku takut melihat darah, what if I faint when I see the pakcik’s condition?

Aku mahu jadi superhero, tapi aku terlalu selfish dengan menyalahkan kelemahan diri sendiri untuk bertindak.

If you ask me, whenever I see an accident, nak je aku bantu (trust me, I see a LOT of accidents, including today – perhaps I should work part-time as a tonto instead). But apa kan daya, selalunya lelaki yang berkerumun, and it’s not like I have a first aid kit in hand ke (see, excuses excuses). Mungkin aku belum bersedia.

Mungkin baik aku duduk di rumah diam-diam layan Luna Fantasiku sahaja. Hehe.
Speaking of Luna Fantasiku, notice tak, dalam first episode, one scene was shot at Cupcake Chic yang mengadap IKEA itu but ‘kononnya’ scene itu scene di Singapore – because the chick said something like "I have a plane to catch to KL". Pftth, who are you trying to fool!? Benci! Sama benci macam bila scene ‘luar negara’ is normally shot at Cameron Highlands je. ;p

p/s: Happy Birthday to Nini G. And ooh! The new Komikoo is out. Will review it this weekend (sbb Adijin did the cover and mah friend Chee is in it too, woot!)

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