Sunday, October 21, 2007

I really wanted to update last friday tentang how much I hate the word SEDONDON and families yang color-coordinate because most of the time the husbands will look out of place then aku buka fotopages my ex-boss alamak sedondon la pulak family dia eventhough I must say they look good in green (stay away from pink please!).

Lepas tu pulak later in the evening I received a phone call from an HR department of a big big company and I’m hired! The best part is that Cik Nate naik 2 pangkat dari my current job ini and they want me to come in as soon as possible and they’re willing to pay my current employer kalau tak dapat early release.

Wow, terlalu overwhelmed. Tetapi segalanya agak pantas berlaku menyebabkan Cik Nate pening sedikit memikirkan bagaimana my current boss will flip when she hears about this on Monday. But I have to take this job demi my own future yang sejak akhir-akhir ini semakin cerah dan cerah sehingga Cik Nate rasa takut untuk melangkah lebih jauh.

Berdansa di hujung gelisah. Yeah.

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