Sunday, April 16, 2006

It's 1:50 a.m. Baru pulang. I can't sleep. Rasa macam kena anxiety balik.

I knew waiting for 6 hours just to see my favorite band play would be worth the wait. To see Dewa19 play is an emotional thing for me, kerana muzik mereka have always been the soundtrack of my life. Bila lagu ke-2 was Dua Sedjholi, aku sudah mula rasa sebak.

Tapi to see Ari Lasso perform kembali dengan Dewa19 is something yang aku tak jangka aku akan dapat lihat, ever. Time tu air mata aku sudah mula bercucuran. Aduh. Tambahan pula the 23 songs that were performed semuanya ada bercampur track2 lama dari Terbaik Terbaik (1995) hingga ke Republik Cinta (2006).

I think I need not explain why this band means a lot to me. There's so many things in my head / on my shoulders right now. Maybe esok I'll write more about the Malam Pesta Indonesia and the Dewa19 showcase. We'll see how it goes.

Rasa-rasanya Valium ada expiry date tak?

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