Sunday, April 28, 2019

half-lidded eye scare

The other day i had to leave the boys at home because i needed to send some meds to my in-laws' home. their house is just about 7km away, so i'm not too worried. the keys are with them anyway, and if there's any emergency they can always run over to the neighbors' house.

when i got home, i found idris lying on the floor with his eyes half open.
listen, my eldest sleeps with his eyes half opened, or half closed (depending on how you view your life or something like that).
so anyways, he was on the floor, unmoving.
so i asked imaan - is Abang okay?

and you know what that brat answered: idris is dead.

PLEASE child, this is not funny at all!

turns out idris fell asleep on the floor. well that gave me a good scare! :(

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