Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Boo stories

From Merah, by Amir M and Seno A - available at
So apparently the Malay community at my apartment are pretty tight - with whatssap group and all. And we just found out haha. So few nights back I had no choice but to attend their (our) Raya dinner get-together. I would have avoided it if I could (because I'm very bad at socializing ) but the kids want to hang out with their friends -_- so terpaksalah.

But paling tak best is when they shared ghost stories with me. At our blocks!
Block B ada toyol. FML.
My block, Block A, er ada nenek tua yang refuse to leave my neighbor's house. AND SHE LIVES 2 DOORS DOWN FROM ME.  wtf wei. but now dah takde, she said, "tapi i dah biasa sangat dengar bunyi guli and perabot bergerak dari unit atas".

Ha Ha Ha tak kelakar haaaaaaaaargh!

Alhamdulillah so far I've not had any bad experience in our home. Just ada few times I felt something heavy on me and the inability to move when i sleep. Which is fine because it has been scientifically proven already (yes it's true! this happens if you're too tired ok). Guli berbunyi, only once, and one guli only. I was with my husband and I don't think he noticed it though.

So anyway, the Subuh after hearing the ghost stories, I swear I heard someone said something to me. So close to my ear. It was more like a question (non creepy) and I couldn't figure out what she was saying at all. *shrugs*

I tell myself "I ain't afraid of no ghost*" but nevertheless tetap berhati2 bila nak tidur and bila masuk bilik gelap hahaha. 

* Saw Ghostbusters! It was okay although plot-nya so-so lah. 

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