Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Been craving this since early this week when I saw them at BV1. Told Rai to get them for me today but she said today no sell. Gahhhhh

Anyways, I have a bone to pick with public breastfeeding mothers. I know some of us lament about being judged for breastfeeding in public. If you ask me, I am okay with this. As long as you're covered. Was having dinner in Bangsar today when the mom in the next table decided to feed her baby. 
In front of her dad. #awkwardnumber1
With her brother-in-law at the same table. #awkwardnumber2
and a male waiter taking orders. #awkwardnumber3

It wouldn't be so awkward if she at least had that special bib-thing to cover her chest. but from my table I can see her er, tit/areola part. I wished the floor could just swallow me whole when the male waiter came back to her table to kira bill and there she was, non-chalantly wiping her tit off.

Woman, please, get a proper room next time. It's just inappropriate. I know breastfeeding mothers can get a bit defensive about their rights to feed in public, and for that, I apologize. But do cover up. I don't really want to see boobs in public. kthanxbye!

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