My positivity lasted until this morning because some douchebag gave me the middle finger on the road. I was at the traffic light but the dude behind me kept honking me, pestering me to inch ahead further so that he can exit left. dude, first of all, if i ke depan any further i would be kissing the car ahead of me. second, the traffic light won't take that long. third, no need to marah2 please, we are all heading somewhere, and your 15 second wait behind me won't make your life any better.
but thanks for the middle finger anyways, because road rage is everywhere and from my observation, melayu has the shortest temper when it comes to driving. nasib la bro, your middle finger means nothing to me. i pray for your good health, because i'm sure your blood pressure went up a few notches today.
masuk office, greeted by so many emails and one of them is an email questioning the credibility of my new staff. kasi chance lah please, she's only been here less than 2 months. It took me close to a year to master whatever shit dumped on my plate now. as her boss i feel rather shitty about this but i just tell her: you got to live and learn (a mantra for myself too).
i'm home with the screaming boys now and made myself a big bowl of maggi. the giant maggi ayam is tasteless but at least i am home. i wish life would allow me to deal with one shit at a time. but today was definitely a good test for me.
good night.