Saturday, February 01, 2014


Photo taken after getting my head check at the hospital.

Slipped outside the bathroom yesterday and hit my head hard on the wood panel. Not fun at all. Good thing I managed to get Rumi to get some ice for me while I lay on the floor, disoriented. I don't want to die this way.

My grandfather passed away after missing his footing on a slippery floor. I didn't see it happen (I was probably 5 at that time) but I still remember that bloodied spot under his house. My grandmother's sister died after hemorrhaging from a fall in the bathroom too. Aish, why am I thinking about all this?!

I don't know where is this post heading but I think I need to start teaching the boys what to do when there's an emergency. Perhaps create a speed dial for them. I don't know. As if life wasn't shitty enough yesterday -- i got locked inside the same damn bathroom for more than half an hour! Roy had to break down the door after he got back from his Friday prayer. Imagine if he was out for a meeting. With the kids outside not being able to help me.. oh god.. 

My head still hurt but I think it'll be okay sooner or later. The swelling is not as bad as yesterday too. Sigh. Think I'll go lie down now. 

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