Sunday, April 01, 2012

So at Del1cious today, my kid Rumi had a breakdown, he was cranky, he wants cake, he wants to roll around on the floor, he wants to go pharmacy, he wants the world as his oyster.. in other words, he was undecided. Moments like these, I don't throw a hissy fit. I prefer to take the I'm-just-gonna-watch-you-throw-your-tantrums approach (which most of the time doesn't work, really) but I don't want to shout at my kid or pick-him up and risk getting hit by him you know?

What I'm trying to get at is, there was this young mother with 2 kids giving me a dirty look. I know what she was thinking -- why am I not doing anything? I chose to ignore her because mothers tend to be judgmental of other mothers, we do it all the time. But yeah, whatever.

So I took Rumi to the pharmacy, came back, and had a fairly uninterrupted lunch. Until I heard the same mother yelling at her 4-yo kid (who decided to run away with her phone) for the entire restaurant to hear: WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH MY PHONE?!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH MY PHONE?!! Adoyai. Now that's a psycho mom. I may be a lousy mom but that woman really needs to chill man.

No wonder muka ketat je minah ittew. *roll eyes*

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