Saturday, October 02, 2010

I find it so hard to take pictures of my own kid (which explains why his photos are mostly snapshots of his feet, hair or fingers). Gambar anak2 orang lain okay pulak. Maybe my boy is camera shy? Anyways, it doesn't matter.

Should I blame my camera? Is it time to splurge on a new camera where I'll end up having another love-hate-love relationship with? But recently I learned a valuable lesson from a mummy photog in Australia. She said the best camera that one can have is the one that you have right now. Tak kisahlah kamera itu mahal atau murah. Just make full use of it. Besides, who's to judge whether you are a good photographer or not eh? It's your life, YOU are the photographer of YOUR life. (OK fine, saya suka criticize orang2 yang ambik gambar pakai camera mahal tapi their pictures takde artistic value hehe peace). My point is, rajin-rajin lah pakai camera tu.

I currently don't have a dream camera right now. Mungkin sebab tiada bajet. I'm happy with my point-shoot-cameras: my 2nd hand Lumix cikai and Ixus 80 (both have their own flaws); BB Curve 8900 (I swear I take better pictures with my phone) and my pink Vivitar kamera filem.

Apsal tiba2 bercerita tentang kamera ni? I don't know, maybe because today saya sedar saya sudah malas ambik gambar. I shouldn't. I can't rely on my memory forever.

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