Okay so since I have signed a "no-show-of-my-kid-Rumi's-face" clause on this blog, I'll just show you his lips je lah. My poor baby. Everytime dia ketap bibir dia, half of me dies because OMG CAN YOU PLEASE NOT DO THAT TO YOUR LIPS OTHERWISE IT WILL NEVER HEAL. Took him to the paed semalam (for a 3rd opinion – yes opinion seorang doctor klinik dan seorang doctor ER tidak cukup) and doc said no need to worry much, it'll heal. Best thing I've heard so far – IT'LL HEAL.
Semalam he was jumping around on the bed and started munching on a pillow and I screamed "Rumi, don't do that and close your mouth!!!" and suddenly he stopped moving and closed his mouth. Oh wow, my kid understands adult language! Terasa seperti epik pass kejap (epik pass = phrase bertentangan dengan epic fail, geddit geddit?).
It's fun being a mom. I hope he knows I try very hard to be a good nonsensical mom.