Monday, August 09, 2010

no monday blues!

Oh hey it's been awhile. Plenty of stuff to update - but I've been busy (what else is new).
Anyway, last Friday I had to work late at midvalley - ada some clients dinner thing. Left midvalley, took the wrong route, ended up in Taman Desa or something, couldn't find Jalan Klang Lama and started bawling my eyes out. Called the husband and a colleague and cried cried cried "I'm l-l-lost, I don't know where I am". I completely panicked. Couldn't breathe, couldn't think straight.
Minutes later I went back to the road I took and alas, ada police roadblock. Abang polis sengih sahaja when I said I'm lost and couldn't find OKR (it was only 5 minutes away).Don't know what's wrong with me. I acted like a wuss! Wait, I was a wuss that night. -_-
Anyway, my kid fell and cut his lower lip. Ini bukan sebarang cut but it's a deep gash with blood all over type of cut. I think he's okay now, just not sure when his lip will heal completely because the doctor decided not to stitch it (definitely not in time for the Cute Baby contest! heh just kidding).
So much drama for 2 days straight. Oh well, it can only make you stronger honey. Another thing that can make me stronger is when people menjaga tepi kain orang dan membuat cerita palsu about you. But that's okay because YOU'RE the one who's going to hell darling, not me.

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