Saturday, December 19, 2009

Semalam I attended a well-orchestrated tahlil except I had to sit at a table with a lady yang setiap ayat-nya pasti ada phrase "Saya-kan usahawan". Aduhhhh ada jugak orang macam ni.

It's been a while, lama tak update this space. December is always a busy month for me, ditambah dengan KPI season yang begitu mengharukan. Then I had a project to submit, kerja macam orang gila. Sudah selamat siap, now I just want sit back and relax (pffthhh yeah right).

My nephew's cancer relapsed. That's another reason why I didn't feel like saying much here. I was so looking forward to a good 2010, rambut Danial sudah tumbuh sepenuhnya and he may be able to go back to school and now rasa macam segala-galanya sudah tiada erti lagi. Back to square one. I'm tired of being the strong one, tired of being told to be strong, just tired of everything. But eventually, I had to pick myself up again and teruskan hidup.

On a lighter note, setelah mencari high-and-lo for a good pasta recipe, I finally made my first pasta dish!

My first alio oglio!

Resipi diolah dari resipi abang Sweet Paul:
3 tbsp olive oil
Beef strips
1 bawang putih (dicincang)
Basil leaves
Red pepper flakes (tak jumpa cari, so i ended up tabur cili flakes ntah apa2)
1/4 Salt
Fried breadcrumbs
Grated parmesan cheese
Mini tomato

Goreng beef strips. Potong kecik2. Then goreng bawang lightly with olive oil. Masuk pepper flakes & salt (jangan lupa rebus spaghetti dulu with salt okay - al dente tau). Campak pasta dalam kuali. Tabur breadcrumbs, beef, tomato & grated cheese sesuka hati. Siap!

The one I served to the husband was a bit dry and terlebih basil leaves. So for my portion i added more olive oil, cheese, breadcrumbs & beef. Oh yum puas hati!

Selamat mencuba.

p/s: Lepas makan, suami saya kata dia teringin nak makan masakan Melayu saya. *gulp*

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