Friday, July 03, 2009

Counting blue cars

Counting blue cars
Originally uploaded by natinski
"Please don't be a mommy blogger", pesan si ayah.

"Campak je smartphone tu dalam sungai kalau tak reti/malas nak update". Itu pula kata kawan-kawan.

Pffth I don't even have time to comb my hair let alone update this space. OK I am exaggerating. But seriously, in between juggling motherhood | post-natal depression (well kind of) | anak masuk hospital | living away from family | the nightmare of berpantang | konflik menjaga baby secara tradisional vs. modern | no more coffee | milk kurang | stitches tak heal | etcetera etcetera

rasanya sekarang baru dapat bernafas sedikit.

Honestly, I don't know how mothers can spend time blogging about their life and their bundle of joy. I do spend a lot of time online tapi sekadar membaca (esp mommies' blogs lah hur hur) and watch the world go by through my little BB screen.

Idris Rumi will turn 2 months next week. Everyday I mentally pinch myself - OMG I HAVE A SON - dan sentiasa bersyukur kepada-Nya for this awesome gift (and for giving me a super-patient husband huzzah!).

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