Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ever been to a segregated wedding?

It was my first yesterday
, di Sabak Bernam. Damn ralat sbb I have to sit with the ladies, dah lah I did't know anyone there! I think majlis kahwin di Kelantan pun takde kena duduk asing2 (I could be wrong). The last time I was told to sit away from the men was ketika di UIA so macam dejavu pulak. Not having to sit with R means kalau I tak habis makan, I won't be able to ask him to finish it! Deng.

Masa nak ambil nasi, ada akak2 ni tukang jaga nasi. Then one of them them hulurkan tangan. Aik? Isn't she supposed to scoop nasi for me? Oh woops, kena salam dulu! Baru boleh ambil nasi! I know, I am damn jakun-slash-ignorant. Itupun they were giving me a dirty look because I asked for nasi lebih. How can I not ask for nasi lebih when I can already see the glorious food served - my favorite lauk kuning with ikan masin & nenas (I donno the name, I told you I'm ignorant), ayam goreng, some other delicious-looking lauks dan mountains of kacang botol and more ikan masin. Siap ada kerepek pisang on the table. I'm sold. I want to live in Sabak Bernam and eat this everyday!

Ketika pengantin sedang bersanding (bersertakan kompang/zikir dalam bahasa yang tidak dapat difahami), another guest and I were looking for the meja pengantin. Then the bride and groom disappear. They were already on the floor, makan atas lantai! *jakun mode* I was telling R, kalau-lah majlis kahwin kita we have to eat on the floor, there is no way I can manage that in my super tight corset!

Ketika sedang menanti masa sesuai untuk bergambar dengan pengantin, I asked Syafiq (R's nephew dari Jepun) to think of a name for a baby boy (assuming that I am expecting a boy la hoh). Jadi ini suggestion dia:

Mohd. Aiky. Not bad. Kalau dapat girl, we'll name her Aoki, yay!

Anyway, Mike & Hadis, selamat pengantin baru. It was an interesting wedding. :)

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