Friday, November 09, 2007

Disebabkan i am a natural hipokondriak, aku cubalah mencari sebab musabab keaadaan sekarang. Aku selalu pening, telinga rasa berdesing. Vertigo ke? Then selalu juga leher rasa cramp. Tapi cramp ini aku tahu datang dari stres. Ok let's put that aside then. But i feel like the earth is gently moving at times. I have a doctor friend, yang selalu belanja aku makan. Tapi rasa segan pula untuk hantar pesanan teks kepadanya. Kena gigit serangga, call dia. Gastrik datang, SMS dia. Agaknya kalau aku jadi doktor aku juga mengalami keadaan yang sama bukan? Pasti ramai je yang nak SMS aku tanya tentang penyakit macam2.
(Tapi Doc if you're reading this, my ear hurts! Jom I belanja you minum Kemaman white coffee di Section 14? Hehe.)

Pada malam pra-Deepavali I attended the Breast Awareness Campaign Fund Raising Dinner anjuran Estee Lauder. This is my 2nd year attending. Tapi tidak seperti tahun lepas, Emran sudah tiada. Sebb dah kahwin artis itu (now you know who is this Emran!) Oh well doesnt matter. The food kinda sucks though. You mean i paid 300 bucks to be served makanan hospital!?! Where are all the oil and fat and cholesterol!? *sigh*

I'm updating this just for the sake of killing time before i go home. hope you all have a great weekend. Raya dah habis eh? Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. I bought her tudung dari Munawwarah and tomorrow morning nak beli roses for her and a sugar-free cake (if there is such thing).

I have SO mellowed down lately. Siapa mahu pergi clubbing tonight? :P

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