Thursday, March 24, 2016

let me be me and you be you

We are always kelam-kabut on weekday mornings because a) I always wake up late b) Idris wake up late c) I only like to iron clothes in the morning d) I sleep early the night before and too tired to do anything else. Nevertheless, that time frame between 630am to 700am is the time I cherish the most. This is the time where my eldest will hold my hand a little bit tighter as we walk to the car and on our way to his school we'd listen to his favourite songs. Or mine. Note: the other day he was shocked to hear a Queen Latifah song – only because his class teacher's name is Latifah. :)

During this drive I'd also take the chance to learn more about my son – what are you eating in school, who are your friends (why am I always worried if he has friends or not), is anybody bullying / taking your money, which teacher is most evil etc. It is a terrifying feeling the minute I leave my son in school – but these days I just tell myself, let go let go. I can only do some much for my boy.

I'm turning 39 tomorrow. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

Or cry harder.

(random thoughts about my lil' man)


1 comment:

Amyz! said...

c) - same. malasnya la nak gosok baju malam2. pepagi baru dpt idea nak pakai baju apa hari ni. lol. -_-'

Happy belated birthday nate. :-* pls dont cry. che ta, 40 dan jelita. u can too. *nasihat kat diri sendiri juga*