Tuesday, December 22, 2015

FB be gone

For some unexplainable reasons (does every decision-making requires a reason?) I decided to suspend my FB account. I was beginning to feel that I'm becoming highly dependent on FB (reason one); I tend to believe everything I read (reason two) and god, why does everything has to go viral first in order for us to be aware of things (reason three). But I guess you tend to miss out on things as you go, like the eating on diaper fiasco [ROLL EYES] or some lipan crawling into some kid's ear [only because I don't read newspapers].

But who needs viral news when you have abang nara to keep you updated on the latest gossip retis!

But I do miss posting photos and gloating about my children though. Tee hee.


Amyz! said...

Ala.. Add la I. I promise tak share meme rashid.

Nate said...

Haha just saw this comment. You sure or not.... :p