Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm expecting a (not-so-new) Mac next week so hopefully I can go back to regular programming in updating this space. Except, I think I said the same thing when we bought the iPad. The iPad? It's not mine anymore. It has Kid Rumi's fingerprints all over it. These days I only get to use it perhaps, I don't know, once a week on average. Think I also said the same thing about the iPod Touch no?
What a wonderful year it has been. Forget the tears and frustrations, I only want to dwell on the good and the awesome. Maybe I'll do a recap of 2011 next week, with photos. Let the photos do all the talking.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

mind your language

Received a phone call from an ex-colleague offering a job and perhaps, better salary and benefits.
What impressed me most was that his English is better now, I remember I used to correct his grammar at work, in emails, correcting his English whenever I get the chance (mind you he was a manager back then and I was a lowly executive, we were not even in the same department!). 
I praised his flawless English and he simply replied, "sebab awak-lah". Happy to know that I am indeed, doing something good to people without realising it.
Perhaps I should start charging for ad-hoc English lessons?