Saturday, June 12, 2010


My Queen Mother, Mok passed away on Monday. She was 84.

Growing up, I always thought she was immortal and we were doomed to live under her kuku besi spell for the rest of our lives. But years passed, my father passed on 8 years ago, and somehow Mok mellowed down.

My kid adores her and I find myself wanting to go back to KB more often, just to see Mok. I was no longer afraid of her, and every single day I pray that God will let her stay with us a little longer. 

I still can't believe she's gone. At least Mok is in a better place now.

Semoga Allah grant her the best place to rest.

Friday, June 04, 2010

to an end of a good week

The weekend is {almost} here and I'm really tired. Most days I have 4 arms, one tiny heart with a puny mind to get things done accurately and efficiently. To make things worse, this week I lost an extra limb, my (his) silly iPod of emo and K-pop music fighting for space to be heard.
I can't work without music.
I can't write without tunes.
To get through the days I hum to myself; I get my colleagues to sing or listen to whatever scarce tunes I have in my phone (try living with listening to female K-pop bands the whole week, it's enough to drive you to commit mental suicide, really).
Another half day to go. Artworks to approve, reports to write, bills to pay. Daebak.