Friday, February 20, 2009

baby obama!

baby obama!
Originally uploaded by natinski
Wah bila webmaster at the office kasi kelonggaran sahaja, everybody is busy checking their FB. In my case, I’m just scrambling to tweet or flickr. I am boring that way i know. Kami sebenarnya sedang tertanya-tanya tentang status our bonus this year (it’s supposed to come out this month tapi masih sepi tanpa khabar berita). I have a list of things to do with the money. Shared my list with R and terkedu sekejap apabila sang suami bertanya, “so what are you planning to get for Little Yakuza*?”. Alamak lupa pulak tentang future samurai dalam perut ini. Okay I shall put aside some money for a trust fund then okay. Insya_Allah.

* OK from now on baby will be known was Little Yakuza. Pergerakannya menusuk isi perut umpama pedang samurai sekarang ini (i’m in my 3rd trimester now – huuu takut!).

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