Saturday, November 08, 2008

Morning thoughts:

I figured kalau JAKIM/Majlis Fatwa/somesuperpowerwithnobrains mahu mengharamkam yoga, they might as well look into Muslims yang belajar Indian classical dance. Ever wondered if they've been praying 5 times a day? Hmm? Yoga helped me to get through some of my darkest days while trying to nurse a broken heart and it made a huge difference for me yang memang malas exercise. So yeah, that's my testimonial. Look around you, while we turn a blind eye on teenage couples meraba sana sini in public, we're wasting our time and effort trying to haram-kan something that is good for the body, soul and mind. So no brownie points for you Mr. Mufti!

Another thing that will not be getting any brownie points from me is EPF. Excuse me, i like my 11% caruman. So, those losers yang nak kurangkan their caruman to 8%, they're the ones who should isi borang la! Why us? We all know that by the time we retire, our EPF savings can only last for 3 years so fikir-fikirkan lah ye. 3% cannot buy you anything. Keep it. You'll be thanking me when you're old.

Sekian terima kasih. I'm gonna eat my 2nd roti canai now.

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